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What Exactly Are Faux Wood Blinds?
The literal meaning would be false wood blinds. In laymen's terms, Faux Wood Blinds are imitation wood blinds. They are produced to resemble to wood at a fraction of the cost. However, don't let their name fool you into thinking they are an inferior blind to wood. You might be surprised that less than 10% of our customers go for wood blinds. In fact, they have many distinct advantages and a couple of disadvantages to wood blinds. See Faux Wood vs Wood Blinds below.

About Our Faux Wood Blinds:

  • Solid Colors & Faux Stains both Available in 2" & 2.5" Slats

  • Patented SmartPrivacy™ allows utmost levels of privacy.

  • Safety Device breaks apart in case of child or pet entanglement and consolidates cords. Easily snaps back together.

  • Waterproof, fire retardant, and lead free.

  • Plenty of options to compliment any interior including designer valances, decorative cloth tapes, valance mounting options, and more!

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Faux Wood Blinds vs. Wood Blinds

Overall, faux wood blinds have a number of advantages over wood blinds. We'll list the pros both the faux and the wood below:
Faux Pros:

- Faux Wood is substantially less expensive.
- Most people (unless in the business) can't tell the difference between the two, especially on solid colors.
- Faux Wood tends to handle humidity and extreme temperatures better than wood blinds. 

- Faux Wood is cleaned with a dry cloth and you can remove crayon and marker marks easily. 

- Faux outlasts wood over time with regards to warping/cracking/splitting.

- A child could easily break a wood slat, not so easy with Faux Wood

Wood Pros:

- Wood is lighter than Faux. If you enjoy lifting the blinds up to the top (as opposed to tilting) it is much easier. 
- Wood Blinds will have a larger selection of stains than faux stains.
- Some stains will match other wood in the home (window sills, trim, cabinetry, flooring, etc) sometimes perfectly.

Supporters of Window Covering Safety Council
Faux Wood Blinds vs. Wood Blinds

Why Quality Shutters & Blinds Faux Wood Blinds?
When you choose Quality Shutters & Blinds, you're going to receive high quality at an affordable price. Every blind we offer is custom built to fit your window, and that's a fact! This allows us to have complete control over every aspect of the blind. All of our blinds are both custom length & width. That means you won't end up with a stack of extra slats at the bottom. We can change the sides the controls are on if you have a window with furniture in the way, or a window in a corner of the home. We're going to treat your home as our own, and unlike the bog box stores, we aren't paid by how fast we can go. We’re customer focused from the first call we receive. Don't take out word, see what our awesome customers are saying themselves! Don’t settle with mediocrity, our blinds and service are what you're really wanting!

Our valance options are all the same price. The standard valance requires a bit more window depth than a valance with returns. When it comes to a sheet rocked window, we almost always recommend a valance with returns for three reasons. First sheet rocked windows are never fully square. Secondly, valances with returns help prevent light seeping in above the head rail. Third, most of our customers agree that this option offers a clean finished look.

Standard Valance

Valance with Returns

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